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What is a good mileage for a used semi-truck?

To ensure a used truck remains an asset to the business, it is important to know how much mileage it is likely to provide before its performance becomes compromised.

So, what is good mileage for a used truck? Generally, most semi-trucks leverage around 1.2 million kilometres during their lifespan depending on their type, usage, and maintenance.

However, taking into account the lifespan of its mechanical and electrical components will give you a better idea of how long your semi-truck is going to last.

To find out how long your semi-truck is likely to keep running, here is a list of factors to consider.

What is a good mileage for a used semi-truck?

  • Type of engine

How long your used semi-truck engine will last largely depends on its type. Diesel engines usually last longer than gasoline engines due to their construction. Diesel engines have larger bearings and cylinders, as well as cranks and camshafts compared to gasoline engines which allow for easier lubrication. Thanks to this, diesel engines generally experience less wear.

  • Brakes

The lifespan of a semi-truck’s brakes is dependent on a number of factors, such as the type of truck, what it is used for, the weight of its cargo, and how it is driven. Generally, semi-truck brakes will have a lifespan of around 80,000km – some less, some more. The quality of the brake pads and the regularity of their servicing play an important role in how long they will last.

  • Battery

Depending on the type of semi-truck, most batteries will usually last between 3 - 5 years. Ensuring the alternator is not charging the battery too much is an important consideration when estimating the lifespan of your semi-truck’s battery. Weather conditions can impact the performance of a semi-truck’s battery, as well – hot weather sometimes leads to water evaporation and cold weather tends to draw fluids to other parts of the engine which compromise battery performance.

  • Transmission

Manual transmission on semi-trucks can last up to 30,000km if maintained correctly and serviced regularly. Automatic transmissions generally perform lower than this, even if they are well-maintained. The primary cause of transmission problems is neglect, so be sure to conduct regular services to ensure it continues to function optimally.

  • Body

A semi-truck’s body is no different to any other vehicle body, meaning it will last just as long depending on exposure to the elements and the type of chemicals used when washing it. Most semi-truck bodies are mostly made of aluminium and plastic which means they do not require a lot of maintenance. The bodies of semi-trucks commonly outlive the lifespan of the truck itself.

  • Electrics and technology

The lifespan of a semi-truck’s electrical system depends largely on the type of truck it is. As electrics are notoriously a complex ecosystem, it is hard to tell exactly how long they will last. Regular services and a maintenance strategy will ensure that a semi-truck’s electrics and technology systems will continue to perform to standard.

  • Brand

The quality of the overall manufacturing and its parts will ensure a semi-truck’s longevity. Brands such as Volvo, MAN, DAF, Scania, Krone, Schmitz, and SDC are reputable semi-truck manufacturers and their products deliver better quality and longer performance than other brands.

Semi-truck maintenance

To find out how long a semi-truck will last all depends on how well each of these components is maintained. Regular maintenance and upkeep play a significant role in a semi-truck’s lifespan. A well-maintained semi-trailer from a middleweight brand will last longer than a poorly maintained one from a reputable brand.

Ensure that each mechanical and electrical component is regularly serviced and that the truck is driven well and you will be able to keep it running optimally for longer.


Read more about how to successfully maintain your semi-truck to ensure a longer lifespan.


TIP Group Maintenance and Repair Services

TIP Group can offer specialist lifecycle maintenance and repair on any vehicle purchased. Our teams of certified truck and trailer technicians and Class A mechanics operate in state-of-the-art workshops across Europe and North America. Only the highest quality spare parts and tooling are used.

TIP Insight provides data and analysis to support vehicle maintenance that helps reduce long-term risk and ensure longer lifespans on trailers and trucks.

Get in touch with us today and one of our regional managers will be happy to help arrange maintenance and repair services for you.